Online Harvest Declaration Form

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All fields marked with an * are required to be completed.

If you need further assistance please contact us on 0437 096 015.

Harvest Declaration key

You will find the key (1-4 digit number) on the upper right corner of the harvest declaration form sent to you by mail. If you haven’t received a harvest declaration form in the mail please contact us for your online key.

Alternatively you can download, print and send us the PDF Harvest Declaration form. The form is available under ‘Royalties – Harvest Declaration Form – Download Form’

Trading Name
Your NGR numberif applicable
ABN number

Please complete the​

  • total harvest production (Tonnes) and
  • the amount of seed (Tonnes) you have retained to sow on your own farm for each variety listed.

Please do not deduct any amounts – such as sale of grain, or amounts fed to stock – from the Total Grain Harvested. For any variety you did not grow, note the total production as Zero (0).

End Point Royalty (EPR) is payable per variety ($/t) on the BALANCE between your entity’s Total Grain Production and the amount of Seed Retained. If GrainSearch receives auto-deduction payments from participating grain trading companies on behalf of your entity, we will reduce the total EPR owing by any auto-deduction payments received relating to your entity. Please note that not all grain buyers auto-deduct EPR payments. If they have, your payment notice should clearly indicate the rate/tonne and the total $ amount deducted as EPR payment(s). (This is separate to the compulsory DAFF levy, which is shown as a % deduction off your total $ payment amount).

Please note your contact details and company/trading name(s) precisely, so that we can correctly match data to incoming auto-deduction payments.

Seasoncurrent season is 2023-24
Total tonnes of Beaufort wheat harvested
Total tonnes of Beaufort wheat kept for seed
Total tonnes of Manning wheat harvested
Total tonnes of Manning wheat kept for seed
Total tonnes of Revenue wheat harvested
Total tonnes of Revenue wheat kept for seed
Total tonnes of Nitro Feed Barley harvested
Total tonnes of Nitro Feed Barley kept for seed
Total tonnes of Westminster barley harvested
Total tonnes of Westminster barley kept for seed
0 /

Please note, by remitting this form you agree that you are supplying GrainSearch with accurate figures for Production and Seed Retained in the indicated harvest season.

Form remitted byyour name
Date remitted
FormCraft - WordPress form builder

Alternatively, download a copy of the form below.

Download the GrainSearch Harvest Declaration