GrainSearch’s new export malt type Barley variety Biere is showing its true coloursHarvest Declaration Form
GrainSearch’s new export malt type Barley variety Biere is showing its true colours this season in many trial sites across the country.
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Photo 1 shows Biere growing at the Southern Farming Systems (SFS) Westmere (Vic) site. Note the excellent ground cover Biere provides. It is very quick once out of the ground and with appropriate sowing rates, can quickly provide weed competition.
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Photo 2 shows Hindmarsh at the same site. Note the more open erect canopy that provides more opportunity for the weeds to sneak back in.
Both were sown on the 24th May and Biere is clearly the fastest barley variety at the site and is nearly ready to come into head.
Biere is also showing good disease tolerances so far this season despite the presence of scald and the blotches at many of the sites. Being so fast, it seems that Biere doesn’t stay close to the ground for too long, which possibly minimises early foliar disease loading.
GrainSearch is also conducting some additional trial work this season to check on how Biere performs as a spring sown option (August-October) and whether it can provide a strong yield potential, in the shorter growing season.
For more details on any GrainSearch variety, please contact Philip Jobling (Business Manager, GrainSearch) on mobile 0448318262 or email: