SQP Revenue – Leaf Rust Susceptibility Update (July 2016)Harvest Declaration Form
Ongoing Rust Susceptibility trials at the University of Sydney have determined that SQP Revenue is now rated as susceptible – very susceptible (S-VS) to the new Leaf Rust (104) pathotype. Reports from Tasmania, Bairnsdale and the Western Districts this season confirm that Revenue will show this leaf rust early in the season (when the weather is warmer). Seed treatments and crop monitoring are essential to ensure Revenue gets off to a clean start each season. A standard rust/septoria control program is normally sufficient to gain good control of the leaf rust and of course, in a good finishing season, Revenue can still reward growers with large yields.
Many other current varieties are now considered susceptible to this new leaf rust, so growers should check with the latest disease ratings guides to ensure they are aware of any changes to their current preferred wheat varieties.