SQP RevenueHarvest Declaration Form

Name: SQP Revenue

SQP REVENUE is a high yielding late maturity dual purpose red-grained winter feed wheat, suited to early sowing. Excellent early seeding vigour – when sown early, coupled with good growth rates provides an excellent autumn feed gap grazing option.  A short statured plant type.  A PGR program is recommended where growers are targetting yields in excess of 8 tonnes/ha, to assist in crop standability under high yields. Please note SQP Revenue is now rated Very Susceptible (VS) to the new Leaf Rust that was introduced into Australia in the 2016 season.

Category: Dual Purpose Wheat

Rainfall: 500mm+

Maturity: Long Season Winter Wheat


  • High yielding dual purpose red winter feed wheat for grazing and grain production
  • Suitable for April/ May sowing, planting early will result in higher yield without increasing frost risk due to a strong vernalisation requirement
  • SQP Revenue displays moderate resistance to current strains of stem and stripe rust
  • SQP Revenue is now VS for the new leaf rust pathotype, found in many eastern Australian cereal growing regions
  • Ideally suited to HRZ and irrigation areas of Australia
  • Grain and Graze – all in one variety

Disease Resistance: Pending new data.

Plant Breeders Rights and Royalty:

SQP REVENUE is protected by Plant Breeder’s Rights (PBR).  Any unauthorised commercial propagation or any sale, conditioning, export, import or stocking of propagating material of this variety is an infringement under the Plant Breeder’s Rights 1994. Growers are allowed to retain seed from production of this variety for their own use as seed only.

SQP REVENUE is subject to an EPR of $3.50/tonne (GST exclusive) payable on all grain produced.


SQP REVENUE was bred by the AUSGRAINZ plant breeding program and trialled as 95102.1