VarietiesHarvest Declaration Form


SQP Revenue

REVENUE is a high yielding late maturity dual purpose winter red-grained feed wheat, suited to early sowing and grazing. Excellent early seedling vigour, coupled with good growth rates gives excellent dual purpose grazing potential. Please note SQP Revenue is now rated Very Susceptible (VS) to the new Leaf Rust that was introduced into Australia in the 2016 season.


Manning is a high yielding late maturity dual purpose winter white-grained feed wheat. Strong seedling vigour combined with Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV) Resistance and good growth rates makes this an excellent variety to sow early in the season or extend the grain filling capacity with irrigation. Manning is now rated as Susceptible (S) to the new Leaf Rust that was introduced into Australia in 2016 season.


BEAUFORT is a mid season maturity feed, spring wheat suited to medium to high rainfall environments of Southern Australia. It has performed well in mid to high rainfall areas of Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and New South Wales. Commercial Seed will be available to purchase in 2015 season.



WESTMINSTER is a high yielding mid to late maturity malting barley with medium to tall, stiff straw and improved head retention.  It was accredited as a malt variety in March 2013.  It has excellent all round disease resistance combined with excellent test weight.  Westminster is a highly sought after variety for the malting/brewing industries, showing suitability for domestic and export malting uses.  Westminster is suited to the HRZ and irrigation regions in Australia.


Nitro (originally coded HV8) is GrainSearch’s newest feed grade barley and is currently undergoing commercial seed production in 2020 by two supporting GrainSearch Affiliates – AMPS (NSW) and Midland Seeds (Tas). Nitro is a mid-season maturity, mid straw height barley with proven high yield potential.