ManningHarvest Declaration Form

Name: Manning

MANNING is a long season dual purpose white-grained feed wheat, ideally suited to early sowing or supplemented with irrigation to extend grain filling. It is one of the few varieties with BYDV resistance, which can result in significantly higher yields over BYDV susceptible varieties when BYDV pressure is high. This BYDV resistance also reduces the need to use expensive seed dressings to combat the aphids that spread the BYDV. Manning is now rated as Susceptible (S) to the new Leaf Rust that was introduced into Australia in 2016 season.

Manning in Tasmania, has been shown by growers that when sown in early summer it can provide an additional feed option along with their normal forage brassica crops.  Having a strong vernalisation requirement allows Manning to continue to remain vegetative during summer/autumn for grazing and then switch to grain production in a normal harvest window (potentially a 12-14month crop).

Category: Dual Purpose Feed Wheat

Rainfall: 500mm+

Maturity: Long Season White Grained Dual Purpose Winter Feed Wheat


  • White-Grained Feed Wheat – ideally suits growers who supply dairy and other intensive feed industries.
  • Long Season –Similar maturity to Revenue and can maximise early moisture availability, with an ability to hang-on at the end of the season to utilise late rains, where other varieties may finish too early.
  • BYDV Resistant – suits early sowing opportunities when BYDV can be an issue.
  • Dual Purpose (able to cope well with grazing until GS30). Its winter habit means that it won’t flower too early if sown early in the season, thereby minimising frost risk.
  • High Yield Potential – has proven to be a strong yield performer over a range of seasons and in different environments. 2013/14 trials at Millicent (SE SA) produced over 10t/ha yield (dryland) – which was over 1t/ha greater yielding than some 40 other wheat lines tested. Very high yielder under irrigation.
  • Hardy – shows tolerance to temporary drying conditions.
  • Currently work is being carried out to assess the ability of Manning to be sown in late spring/early summer as an alternative to forage brassica crops.  Strong vernalisation requirement would allow Manning to continue to remain vegetative during summer/autumn for grazing and then switch to grain production for a normal harvest window (potentially a 12-14month crop).

Disease Resistance: Pending new data 

Plant Breeders Rights and Royalty:

MANNING is protected by Plant Breeders Rights (PBR). Any unauthorized commercial propagation or any sale, conditioning, export or stocking of propagating material of this variety is an infringement under the Plant Breeder’s Rights 1994. Farmer retained seed cannot be sold or gifted to any other business entity.

For further details please contact Philip Jobling mob: 0448318262 or email: Or visit

Contact & Seed Purchasing:

MANNING is sold through your local seed retailer. Check with your local store for seed availability and advice on optimum sowing time and crop management. Wholesale distribution by GrainSearch Affiliates – AusWest/Stephen Pasture Seeds, AGFseeds (Vic), Hart Bros Seeds (NSW/QLD), TP Jones (Tas) and Naracoorte Seeds (SA).


MANNING has been bred by the CSIRO/GRDC plant breeding program and trialled as CS9274.33